About project
Low-temperature 3D Printing of Bio-Functionalized Ceramic Bone Implants with Adjustable Mechanical Properties
The project PROFiBONE (PRinting Of Functionalized Ceramic BONE Implants) fulfills the TACR KAPPA programme objectives by establishing novel international collaboration among Czech universities (Brno University of Technology and Charles University), Icelandic research organisation IceTec and Icelandic enterprise SME Genis to enhance knowledge in the field of R&D of novel biomaterials for applied research and innovation in bone regenerative medicine.
Technological know-how of both Brno University of Technology (Central European Institute of Technology) and IceTec together with the experiences of Charles University (Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen) in both in vitro and in vivo testing of new biomaterials followed by the interest of the chitosan supplier private company Genis in the final printed bone implant products make the team multidisciplinary, gender balanced, very strong, experienced and well-organized guaranteeing not only successful completion of the project, but also the future cooperation in the field of both R&D and biomedical product marketing.
The cooperation of research centers in the Czech Republic and Iceland together with applicant guarantee Genis will result in the preparation and the protection of intellectual property of new polymer-ceramic inks for low-temperature 3D printing of artificial bone implants having added values of mechanical and biological properties, which increase the competitiveness of both participating countries in the increasing bone implant market.
profiBONE Concept
The profiBONE project (TO01000309) benefits from a € 1.433.000 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.
Project TO01000309 is co-financed with the state support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic within the Kappa Programme.