Biomaterials and Their Surfaces XV.
CEITEC BUT (Lucy Vojtová) and FMP (Lucie Vištejnová) participated in the organization of the multidisciplinary national conference held in the Czech Republic and focused on the development and characterization of biomaterials for tissue replacement including bone replacements “Biomateriály a jejich povrchy XV.” (Biomaterials and their surfaces XV. September 13th-16th, 2022 held in Herbertov, Vyšší Brod, Czech Republic).
The conference welcomes annually about 90 participants from academic, clinical, and corporate spheres covering the multidisciplinary nature of new material development. The specialists from the field of chemistry, physics, polymer synthesis, biology, and medicine present their research to a scientific audience in the informal surroundings of Šumava Mountains. The topic of profiBONE project was presented to this audience in terms of lectures and posters.
The presentation of the project profiBONE at the conference Biomateriály a jejich povrchy XV. A-C) the presentation of the results by Lucy Vojtová and Lucie Vištejnová; D) the presentation of the project topic on the poster; E) the scientific audience of the conference (about 90 attendees); F) the presentation of professor Petr Kulhanek on the topic of Physics and Materials (invited by profiBONE members).